First time on retreat
Never been on retreat before? Start here!
What is a retreat?
A retreat is time away from your everyday life, time to spend with God. It is your chance to step aside from life for a while, to rest and just 'be' in a welcoming, peaceful place - more information.
Retreats come in all shapes and sizes! From a few hours on a quiet day to a whole month, alone or with other people, silent or not, guided or personal, artistic, creative, active, inside, outside, the list goes on. We can also help you find the right retreat for you.

Personal Retreat: Unstructured time on your own at a retreat centre. This could be any length of time from a few hours to around a week.
Individually Guided Retreat (IGR): A mostly unstructured, silent retreat including a daily meeting with a retreat guide. This is usually offered by retreat centres for a defined period of time: often 3-8 days - more information.
Quiet Day: A day at a retreat centre, church or quiet space with a theme, often combining some input with time for reflection.
Themed Retreat: A structured retreat around a particular theme. This could be scripture, creativity, activity, life stage or topic - more information.
What would I actually do on retreat?
It’s entirely up to you!
On a themed retreat there would most likely be a structure provided for you, with some input and the space and time to reflect. You can see some upcoming retreats here.
On a personal or individually guided retreat, the time is less structured and you can set your own pace, choosing to engage in collective worship, prayer spaces, refreshments, reading, journalling, silence, walking, sitting, sleeping - as you feel led.
Why go to a retreat centre and not a hotel or walk in the park?
Staying overnight in a hotel or taking a walk in a green space can share some elements of a retreat at a retreat centre. You can get away from your everyday life and choose to connect with God.
Retreat Centres provide green spaces and often overnight accommodation - but so much more as well. They are 'prayed-in' spaces where others have gone before you and often include libraries, chapels, art rooms, prayer labyrinths and walks to enable you to explore your own journey with God.
Meals are usually provided (or some centres offer the facility to self-cater) and there will be opportunities to share your experiences with others as you journey in this space away from the busyness and stresses of the world.