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Penhurst Retreat Centre

The Manor House, Penhurst Ln, Penhurst, Battle TN33 9QP, UK

Contact Details

Contact Name:

The Penhurst office



01424 892088

Retreat Centre Description

A 17th-century manor house adjacent to a small parish church, providing a haven of tranquillity. Set in an area of outstanding natural beauty, Penhurst is a small, friendly, ecumenical Christian centre offering a warm welcome to all. The house is available for fully-catered individual or small group retreats and quiet days throughout the year. There is also a programme of led and accompanied retreats. This centre has a particular heart for UK and overseas mission. There are dedicated retreats/workshops for those with mission connections and a 10% discount offered to associates of agencies/churches that are members of Global Connections.

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Accommodation on Offer

Main house. Sitting room, dining room, small library, small meeting room for up to 4 people. Seven upstairs bedrooms: 4 twin ensuite, 1 double with designated shower-room, 1 single ensuite, 1 single with designated bathroom.

Annexe. Chapel and 2 ground floor twin ensuite bedrooms (1 adapted for wheel-chair users).

All rooms available for single-occupancy.

Beautiful grounds. Prayer labyrinth. 3 summerhouses for 1-2 people. Small art room for up to 8 people.

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Retreat Centre Facilities

Please see website for retreat centre facilities

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Types of Retreat Offered

Please see website for retreats offered

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2024 Events (if known)

The following retreats may be subject to change and others added. Please see the website for up-to-date information.


Individually guided retreats (IGR). An opportunity to take time out with God, to prayerfully pay attention to Him and become more aware of His work in your life. Space to pray and reflect on life, consider decisions and set priorities.




The Conversion of St Paul. Come, search the Scriptures and unearth the treasures of St Paul’s story, transformation, challenge, inspiration and encouragement. Gary Cregeen.




Emmaus Road. An opportunity to come aside with Jesus. Using a selection of Gospel stories, space to stop, reflect and be. Jack & Sandra Telfer.



Tell me more… storytelling as spiritual exploration. Careful attention to people’s personal stories is often the context for them ‘knocking on the door’. Steve Gurr.



The Wilderness Experience. As we step into Lent, an opportunity to engage with wilderness experiences in the Bible and our lives. Brigid Main.



Mindfulness, Song and Personal Transformation. A unique fusion of mindfulness and song to draw us into spirituality, wellbeing and community. Shaun Lambert & Mike Leigh.



Exploring Ignatian Spirituality. Walking with Ignatius of Loyola, come and discover the relevance of Ignation Spirituality to our lives today. Peter Doodes & Fiona Bower.




Behold your God. Explore many of the wonderful themes in Isaiah and be humbled, encouraged, inspired, refreshed and envisioned for the days ahead. Tony Horsfall.




Day of Prayer for Mission. Have a heart for the nations? Come and join us for a day of prayer for the worldwide mission community.



Being and Doing in a Climate Crisis. How to respond to devastating climate events on our planet? Explore a God-centred way of being and doing. Val Freeman.



Mission Leaders Open Day. Opportunity to experience what the retreat centre offers, including a tour of the house and grounds, guest speaker, and home-cooked meal.



Crossroads. Space for people at a crossroads in life to pause, step back and reflect on where they are. Jacqui Zanetti & Mary Monfries.



Send my Roots Rain. Explore ways of allowing the life-giving water of the Spirit to soak down to your roots. Christopher Chapman.




Narnia, Middle-earth and Home. Drawing from the Bible, stories of CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien, explore themes including belonging, rest, homelessness, spiritual home and Heaven. Andy Swinford.



Exploring Ignatian Spirituality. Walking with Ignatius of Loyola, come and discover the relevance of Ignation Spirituality to our lives today. Peter Doodes & Fiona Bower.



Becoming the True Me. Experience the power of God’s transforming love through music and teaching. Marilyn Baker & Tracy Williamson.



Retiring Well. Journeying towards and into retirement, there are many issues to think through. Suitable for people finishing full-time work within 12-24 months. Helen Calder.




Praying with Jesus. Meet and communicate with the One who loves us through exploring the prayers of Jesus in the Gospels. Amy Boucher Pye.




Daring to Talk about Grief. Space to connect with your grief in a supportive environment, including input about common themes of the grieving process. Shirley Skrentny.



Silent IGR (4, 6 or 8 nights). Maureen Stringer & Chris Doust.



Touching the Hem of His Garment. Engage with Jesus the Healer through worship, teaching, optional prayer ministry and soaking sessions. Carol Bostock & Beauty from Ashes team.




Praying In and Out. Come explore prayer in a broad sense, opening opportunity to find more balance in life with God. Val Freeman.




Day of Prayer for Mission. Have a heart for the nations? Come and join us for a day of prayer for the worldwide mission community.



New Directions. Opportunity for Christian overseas ministry workers returning to the UK to unpack the transition and adjustment issues. Jack & Sandra Telfer.



Jonah – the Depth of God’s Grace. Come ‘plumb the depths’ of this short but significant Old Testament book. Gary Cregeen.



God who Sings through Us. Musical (re)-treat exploring songs and hymns from many cultures and sharing in fun, fellowship and laughter. Laurie & Brigid Main.



Draw and Paint the Beauty of Penhurst. Draw what you see and paint what you have seen in any water based medium. Viv Walkington.




Valley Paths. Take time with God to reflect on difficult life experiences, seek better understanding, go deeper with Him and gain new healing. Gill Hancock.



Disordered Eating. Explore over-eating, often an area of shame, including some Biblical teaching, common reasons for over-eating and ways forward. Shirley Skrentny.



Encountering the Healer. Jesus said He came to heal the broken-hearted. Come engage with Jesus the Healer. Carol Bostock & Beauty from Ashes team.



Silent IGR (4 nights). Susan Oakes.



Painting the Story of Jonah. Drawing and painting as a way of immersing and allowing the story to speak to us. No skill required. Carol Morgan.



Refresh, Restore, Recharge! Lean back into the Lord – meet Him where you are and receive His love, grace and strength. Jack & Sandra Telfer.




Refilling whilst We Pour Out. Opportunity for people who give out in Christian ministries and caring professions to refuel and refresh. Hilary Murdoch.




Contemplative Slow Stitching. Using pre-loved fabric, colourful threads and simple running stitches, quietly think, pray and allow the Lord to speak. Elizabeth Scott.



Reigniting your Creative Spark. Looking at the spirituality of using our unique creativity and how to revive it when it’s gone cold. Dan & Val Freeman.



Open Day. Experience the Penhurst welcome and hospitality, meet the team, find out about the centre, have a tour, enjoy delicious food and live music.




Day of Prayer for Mission. Have a heart for the nations? Come and join us for a day of prayer for the worldwide mission community.



The Cup of Our Life. Using themes and practices from Joyce Rupp’s book, explore spiritual awareness and growth through imagery of ordinary cups. Richard & Storm Hann.



A Taste of Silence. A time of peace and solitude punctuated by four short meditations together. All welcome, particularly those new to retreats. Dawn Pointing.



Visio Divina: Divine seeing through the camera. Discover how your (smartphone) camera can aid stillness, help explore emotions, ways of seeing and spiritual practice. Steve Radley.



Visio Divina: Embracing Change through your (smartphone) camera. Designed to support church leaders find new hope and direction through contemplative photography. Steve Radley.



Exploring Ignatian Spirituality. Walking with Ignatius of Loyola, come and discover the relevance of Ignation Spirituality to our lives today. Peter Doodes & Fiona Bower.



Deeper into God’s Heart. Drawing closer to God through hearing His voice in our everyday lives with music and teaching. Marilyn Baker & Tracy Williamson.



Behold your God. Explore many of the wonderful themes in Isaiah and be humbled, encouraged, inspired, refreshed and envisioned for the days ahead. Tony Horsfall.



Spiritual Directors and Christian Counsellors Open Day. Experience what the retreat centre offers, including a tour of the house and grounds, guest speaker, and home-cooked meal.



Work Party! Come and enjoy the beauty and fellowship of Penhurst, while also helping maintain and develop the centre together. The Penhurst team.




Christian Writer’s Retreat. Workshop-based training and mentoring suitable for intermediate-level writers wanting to improve their craft and seriously seeking publication. Andrew & Seren Boyd.



Mission Debrief (families). Opportunity for Christian overseas ministry families to process their transitions to the UK. Family sessions and sessions for parents and children separately. Wânia Honman & Rebecca de Vos.



Mission Leaders Open Day. Opportunity to experience what the retreat centre offers, including a tour of the house and grounds, guest speaker, and home-cooked meal.



You Spread a Table before Me. Jesus came to heal the broken-hearted. Come engage with Jesus the Healer. Carol Bostock & Beauty from Ashes team.



The Hidden Life of Trees. Can trees help deepen our prayer life and support systems? Experience connectedness in God’s creation and openness to God’s wild hospitality. Brigid Main.



Divorce Recovery Workshop. Whatever stage of separation or divorce you are at, this workshop helps makes sense of it and find ways forward. Mandy Callf.




Silent IGR (5 nights). Maureen Stringer & Chris Doust.




Jesus had Compassion. Jesus said He came to heal the broken-hearted. Come engage with Jesus the Healer. Carol Bostock & Beauty from Ashes team.



Encounters with Healing. A healing retreat: rest for the weary, nourishment for the hungry, care for the burdened. Pat Marsh.



Exploring Ignatian Spirituality. Walking with Ignatius of Loyola, come and discover the relevance of Ignation Spirituality to our lives today. Peter Doodes & Fiona Bower.



Silent IGR (4 nights). Dilys Threshie.



New Directions. Opportunity for Christian overseas ministry workers returning to the UK to unpack the transition and adjustment issues. Jack & Sandra Telfer.



Silent IGR (5 nights). Dawn Pointing.




Day of Prayer for Mission. Have a heart for the nations? Come and join us for a day of prayer for the worldwide mission community.



Advent quiet days with the Penhurst team.

Retreat Centre Location

The Manor House, Penhurst Ln, Penhurst, Battle TN33 9QP, UK

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