Priory of Our Lady of Peace
Turvey Abbey, High St, Turvey, Bedford MK43 8DE, UK
Contact Details
Contact Name:
The Retreat Secretary
01234 881432
Retreat Centre Description
We are a community of nuns living according to the Rule of St Benedict. We belong to the Vita & Pax (Life & Peace) Foundation, whose main charisms are liturgy and ecumenism. By offering hospitality we hope to share the riches of our Christian monastic heritage. By developing an awareness of God's presence in daily life, we seek in our work and prayer to radiate God's life and peace to all who visit our monastery. People of all faiths and every spiritual tradition, "all who truly seek God" (Rule of St Benedict) are welcome to visit and loin us in prayer. Individual day guests.
Accommodation on Offer
We have 5 private rooms for individual day guests, so each guest have a private room for their day visit. There is also access to a communal sitting room, kitchen and dining area. Access to garden and chapel.
Retreat Centre Facilities
Please see website for retreat centre facilities
Types of Retreat Offered
Please see website for retreats offered
2025 Events
There will be several online retreats throught the year. For information about these please visit the Pilgrimage section of our website: https://www.turveyabbey.org.uk/pilgrimage/events
Retreat Centre Location
Turvey Abbey, High St, Turvey, Bedford MK43 8DE, UK