Bishop's House
Isle of Iona PA76 6SJ, UK
Retreat Centre Description
Built in 1894, Bishop’s House on the Isle of Iona is a welcoming and relaxed retreat house hosting groups of upto 23 and individuals for week-long stays and shorter breaks. We are situated close to the Abbey and also face the Sound of Iona. (You can access a beautiful small beach at the bottom of the garden.) The intimate St Columba Chapel, right at the heart of the house, holds 2 daily services. Bishop’s House has a reputation for good, wholesome home cooking, and we’re privileged to be described by many of our guests as their ‘second home’.
Accommodation on Offer
8 twin rooms,
7 single rooms
Guest lounge
Large garden facing the sea.
St Columbas Chapel
Retreat Centre Facilities
Please see website for retreat centre facilities
Types of Retreat Offered
Please see website for retreats offered
2025 Events
Easter retreat 16th - 22nd April, Led by Rev Red Geddes
A Led retreat by Rev Liz Crumlish 3rd May – 10thMay 2025 GUESTS NOT HOSTS
What does it mean to inhabit the earth as guests, not hosts?
Amidst the ancient stories and beaches of Iona, saturated with myths and legends of life and faith, we will take time to consider how we are sustained by creation and by the God of Creation in whose image we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Through poetry and image, we will consider stories of Biblical women who show us how to be passionately involved with life and faith for such a time as this.
Retreat Centre Location
Isle of Iona PA76 6SJ, UK