Retreat Centre Form - 6/7
Website Advertising
Our website is fully compatible with mobile devices and receives an average number of over 5000 visits per month. Our new website was launched in 2021 to include a contemporary design with up-to-date features which we anticipate will attract many more visitors.
Our Upcoming Retreats section will list all the events you have included in this form (if you select Gold or above promotional package).
Our new Retreat Centre Directory will be launched later this year, using information from this form. This will make it easier for people to search for a retreat online. Please indicate you are happy for your Retreat Centre to be listed on the website.
Our Find a Retreat interactive map page has links to over 90 places of retreat.
We regularly refer enquirers to this page and there are a number of links to it from our home page.
Our Find a Retreat interactive map page is our second most visited page on our website.
Our social media has over 3000 followers across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and reaches over 14,000 people a month.
Promotional Packages
Our promotional packages offer you several ways to promote your retreat centre on our website, including an advert on our home page, programme listing on our online diary and using social media to publicise events on your behalf. An advert on our home page generates an average of 70 visits a month to your website.
Bronze £85 (£75 non residential)
Listed in online directory
Weblink/pin in interactive map
Silver £200
Listed in online directory
Weblink/pin in interactive map
Home page advert for 1 month (worth £155)
3 social media posts per year (text supplied by you)
Gold £350
Listed in online directory
Weblink/pin in interactive map
Events listed on upcoming retreats page and in diary
Home page advert for 3 months (worth £255)
5 social media posts per year (text supplied by you)
5 social media event posts per year (created by the Retreat Association from your diary of events submitted in this form)
Platinum £700
Listed in online directory
Weblink/pin in interactive map
Events listed on upcoming retreats page and in diary
5 social media posts per year (text supplied by you)
5 social media event posts per year (created by the Retreat Association from your diary of events submitted in this form)
Home page advert on website for 1 year (worth £595)
Profiled on RA social media at least 3 times a year
All retreat centre social media liked and shared
If you would prefer to simply advertise on our home page please see our website for details of rates.